Recent university graduate, Daisy Triggs, has taken up a new job as a secretary for a vigilante group of superpowered individuals, who find the term "superhero" a little egregious. Their boss is a teleporter named Z, with a short fuse and a drive for justice. Daisy must find her place in a new world of strange and morally questionable people, while the members of her own team butt heads over the true meaning of justice.
Valentina Perez

Name: Valentina (Val) Perez
Age: 23 Gender/Sexuality: Lesbian (she/her) Ht: 5’7” Wt: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown Eye Color: Brown Race/Ethnicity: Puerto Rican
Birthday: September 30th
Likes: The Newspeak chapter of1984 by George Orwell, her biceps, routine, motorcycles
Dislikes: Loud noise, weird textures, sweaters
Second in command
Blessed and cursed with hypersensitivity-- in fact, the only one in the group who's got sense at all
Z thinks they're in charge of her (they're not)
The only thing bigger than her heart is her biceps
Look, these cargo pants zip off into, get this, shorts! Why are you laughing?